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  • Leadership Skills for Supervisors: Communication, Coaching, and Conflict

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn about coaching models, conflict resolution techniques, and ways to communicate with your employees. You will also complete Velsofts signature leadership assessment to help you identify how to connect with others. As a bonus, you will receive an introduction to some important leadership theories, including the Situational Leadership II model and servant leadership.
  • Developing Your Executive Presence

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview This course is going to provide you with the boost you might need to get the most out of your inter-personal skills as you develop yourself into an executive with presence that will be the marvel of your coworkers and others you meet. It will help you consider the first impressions you make on others, your interpersonal skills, your speaking and listening skills, plus sharpens your leadership skills.
  • Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program

    Course Length: 12 Weeks Course Hours: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview This course will explore the benefits of onboarding, show you how to design an onboarding framework, give you ways to customize the program for different audiences (including managers and executives), and demonstrate how to measure results from the program.
  • Self-Leadership

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will explore the four pillars of self-leadership: knowing who you are, knowing what you do, knowing what you need to learn, and using what you know.
  • Generation Gap: Closing the Gap in the Workplace

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview During this course, you will consider whether defining the actual limits of each generation is most important, or whether the merits of people within the context of employment is the bigger issue. You will learn about the various types of generations and how human resource practices can bridge the gap.
  • Workplace Success: Seven Key Skills You’ll Need

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Upon completing this course, you are going to know approaches to be an effective team member, how it feels to experience change and ways to be flexible in times of change and to approach problem solving. You will also identify tips to giving and receiving feedback, learn ways to recognize self-confident behaviors in the workplace and learn a three-step process to building self-confidence.
  • How to be an Active Listener

    Course Length:  4 Weeks Course Hours:   8 Hours ________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn what active listening is and what qualities active listeners have. You will also learn how to manage your body language, create a positive listening attitude, encourage conversation, build relationships, and overcoming listening roadblocks.
  • Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what diversity means and what some of its related terms are. You'll also consider how your world has changed and how stereotypes impact people. Then, you'll learn how to use the four cornerstones of diversity and the STOP technique to encourage a diverse workplace. You will also learn how to manage for diversity and deal with discrimination issues.
  • Getting Your Job Search Started

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________Course Overview In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job.
  • Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn how to organize your workflow and office space, use your planner effectively, and delegate some of your work to other people.
  • Growth hacking

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview The new economy calls for a new way of attracting customers and sales. Growth hacking is to the new economy what marketing was to the last millennium. The goal is to share a message and make a sale. The difference is in how those customer connections are discovered, created, and nurtured. This course will highlight the essentials of growth hacking — from learning the new growth hacking mindset and discovering the need your product or service can fill, through planning, delivery and optimization — that will position your company to grow and thrive today and in the future.  
  • From Boss to leader

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Bad bosses. Almost everyone has had at least one in their working career. You do not want to be the bad boss in your work environment, the one who causes good employees to cringe when you enter the room. Or worse yet, you do not want to be the one who causes good people to leave the company. You want to be the type of manager that employees are willing to go the extra mile for. You want to nurture and inspire your team, giving them the confidence to do their jobs well. You want to provide guidance and motivation, while showing integrity and modelling the behaviors you want to see in your team. You want to be more than a boss, you want to be a leader. This course will arm you with the tips and general information you need to enhance your skills and transform from a boss to a great leader.  
  • Fostering Innovation

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Innovation in its purest form means to create something new, but it can also mean better solutions, new methods of doing something, finding more efficient and effective ways of completing a task, or creating new processes or workflows. Innovation is what drives companies; by coming up with new and fresh ideas, companies are able to remain relevant and drive success. Innovation is what propels businesses into the future, and allows them to forge a new path of relevance, profit, and success.
  • Collaboration

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Collaboration is a skill that is utilized with one or more people to produce or create a result or shared goal. Everyone in the group has a shared vision or outcome. The group not only has to work together, they must think together, and the product comes from group effort. Collaborators are equal partners. Do we know what it takes to achieve successful collaboration with colleagues? What are the importance and benefits of collaboration in the workplace and how can employers create a collaborative environment and reward employees for collaborative efforts?
  • 10-Minute Presentations

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 Hours ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In the filled calendars of busy customers and investors, time is literally money. In 10-Minute Presentations, you will learn how to craft and polish an engaging, professional presentation that shares your message and call to action swiftly and clearly. This will maximize your impact, conversions and productivity.